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Can You Convert Your Hot Tub To Saltwater?




Can You Convert Your Hot Tub To Saltwater

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Yes, if you don’t like the idea of having chlorine in your hot tub you can convert it into a saltwater hot tub, however, you’ll need to double-check with the product manual to see if your model of the hot tub can be converted into a saltwater hot tub as not all can be converted. 

However, saltwater hot tubs are not just saltwater like the ocean, it runs off a salt cell chlorinator where the salt you add to the water chlorinated itself to keep the water kept.

If you’re looking to convert your chlorine hot tub to a saltwater hot tub yourself, then you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Drain your hot tub and clean out all the residual sanitizer using a hot tub cleaner or natural home-made cleaning solution and a sponge 
  2. You may want to flush out all the lines and clean the filter at this point as well
  3. Refill your hot tub with fresh water using a hose
  4. Test the salinity of your water to see how much salt is in the natural tap water first before adding any solutions
  5. Install your salt chlorinator control system following the instructions on the product
  6. Test the chemistry of your hot tub water (calcium levels, pH, and alkalinity levels) 
  7. You’ll now need to add your hot tub salt following the instructions for your salt chlorinator control system. The salinity levels in your hot tub should be around 2,500ppm, with about 2lbs of salt being added for every 100 gallons of water
  8. Turn your hot tub back on and enjoy

Can you use salt in a hot tub instead of chlorine?

Yes, you can use salt in a hot tub instead of chlorine, but you’ll need to make sure that your model of the hot tub can be added with salt instead of chlorine.

You won’t be able to use just your everyday table salt to add to your hot tub, you’ll need to use a specialized hot tub salt. 

You’ll need to install a saltwater generator to your hot tub and add pool/hot tub salts to the water.

The size of your hot tub will dictate how much salt you should put into the water, but normally the average is 2lbs of salt for every 100 gallons of water. 

What kind of salt can I use in my hot tub?

You will not be able to use any kind of salt in your saltwater hot tub. Spa salt or advertised as hot tub or pool salts are the best kind to put in your hot tub water.

They’re the perfect granule size and are impure with no other chemical contamination and will create the best chemical reaction when the added salt mixes with the salt chlorinator and generates chlorine. 

Do not use Epsom salts, table salt, or even rock salt to add to your hot tub, they can be highly corrosive, alter the chemical reaction inside your hot tub, and also can damage the plumbing and equipment for your hot tub. 

How much does it cost to convert a chlorine hot tub into a saltwater hot tub?

If you can convert your current hot tub into a saltwater hot tub, then all you’ll need to purchase is a saltwater chlorinator kit and the salts to add to your water.

A chlorinator kit can have prices that begin from around $100 and go up to around $1,000 depending on what brand you use.

You can buy hot tub salts in different sizes from a variety of places. We’d recommend buying them in bulk as they’ll be a lot cheaper and it means you’ve always got some around when you need to sanitize your hot tub. 

Which is better, a saltwater or chlorine hot tub?

The preference between choosing a saltwater or chlorine hot tub will be personal to the person buying as both options have pros and cons.

Saltwater hot tubs are a lot more gentle on your skin than chlorinated water is so it won’t be as irritating for your eyes or skin when you’re soaking yourself in there.

Saltwater contains some unique enzymes and minerals which help to exfoliate and soften the skin. 

Even though a saltwater hot tub system generates chlorine, it doesn’t emit an odor like traditional chlorine hot tubs do so if you’re sensitive to smells, a saltwater hot tub would be better.

It’ll also mean you won’t have that unpleasant chlorine smell sticking to your skin and your hair after you’ve been relaxing in your tub. 

Running and maintaining a saltwater hot tub is a lot cheaper than having a traditional chlorine hot tub, they also require less maintenance because they’re self-regulating so will sanitize at all the right times.

Converting to a saltwater hot tub is a lot more natural and eco-friendly as you’re not pouring loads of chemicals into the water which will then seep back into the environment.

However, whilst maintaining a saltwater hot tub requires fewer expenses than a chlorine one, the initial purchase cost will be higher than a traditional hot tub.

Some people like to shock their water with chemicals even when using a saltwater system every once in a while to ensure it is properly sanitized. 

Chlorine hot tubs tend to last a lot longer than saltwater hot tubs as they do not cause any damage like corrosion to the features as saltwater does.

Chlorine is often preferred because of the sanitation levels it can achieve.

Salt chlorination cells in the system will need to be replaced every 2-3 years as well which will incur an extra cost, where you will not need to do this with a traditional chlorine hot tub. 

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