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What Can I Put Under my Inflatable Hot Tub?




What can I put under my inflatable hot tub?

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Inflatable hot tubs are a great invention, aren’t they? 

They are usually cheaper than other hot tubs, can be deflated if necessary, and offer flexibility about where they can be placed in a garden. 

However, knowing what to place under them can be tricky. We don’t want anything that could damage our hot tub, but we also want our experience to be comfortable and enjoyable. 

New and old hot tub owners alike will often find themselves asking, what can I put under my inflatable hot tub? Well, today, we are going to tell you!

What can be placed under my hot tub?

Now that we have established your hot tub needs let’s look at what can be used as a foundation.

There are a few common foundations that can provide everything your hot tub needs. 

Synthetic tub pads

Ready-made synthetic tub pads are widely available and range in price, although you can pick some affordable ones up easily! 

They are great for indoor or outdoor use and are made of interlocking pieces.

These pieces are easy to assemble and break down, so if you move homes or fancy a different view from your hot tub, you can move it with ease. 

They are usually very lightweight and will provide a flat and even surface for your hot tub to be placed upon. These pads are ridiculously easy to set up, meaning in just minutes, you can be ready to go! 

They come in a range of sizes that will allow you to find the perfect one for your hot tub and require virtually zero maintenance. There is no worrying with these pads! 

Where can my hot tub be placed?

With an inflatable hot tub, you tend to get more flexibility than other hot tubs, especially ones that you build decking or any fencing around. 

There are still some needs your inflatable hot tub has to ensure it will run smoothly.

Keeping it away from any power lines and electric outlets is an absolute must, you don’t need us to tell you water and electricity do not mix! 

Your hot tub will need to have a stable and level foundation under it also! A flat and even surface will ensure that the water level throughout the hot tub is even; after all, we don’t want a shallow and deep end, do we?


One of the most popular surfaces for your hot tub is grass. Most of us have grass in our gardens, and why not complete it with a hot tub? 

If you are using your hot tub on grass, you will need to make sure that the area is free from sticks, broken glass, or anything that could cause a puncture to your hot tub.

It is also best to ensure the grass is dry when you place your hot tub on it for a secure foundation. 

Generally, the grass is an excellent cushioning material to put your hot tub on. However, it is not always the best insulator, especially in changing weather or colder days.

If you are using grass as a foundation for your hot tub, it may be worth considering a ground cloth or air mat to sit between the hot tub and the grass. This will not only provide heat insulation but protection from punctures too. 


Creating a concrete pad could be a good option for those looking for a permanent location for their inflatable hot tubs.

This option does require a little more care than the others suggested, so it may not be suitable for everyone. 

A concrete patch will need to be level and thick enough to support the hot tub’s weight. An inflatable hot tub can be heavy, depending on its size and the amount of water in there.

Make sure that the concrete can support the maximum weight of the hot tub. 

The size of your patch will need to be at least the size of the hot tub to ensure even support. It is a good idea to make it a little larger to allow for some wiggle room and even ground to get in and out of the hot tub. 

The concrete needs to be dried before the hot tub is placed on it. This ensures that the patch has fully settled and will cause no disturbance to the hot tub.

It may be beneficial to seek professional help if you have not worked with concrete before, ensuring it is done correctly. 

Crushed gravel/stone

Using crushed gravel or stone is often recommended to those using a hot tub outside. Again, some needs must be met when using crushed gravel or stone as a base for your hot tub. 

There must be a minimum thickness of 4 inches underneath the hot tub. Often, a frame will need to be constructed around crushed stones to ensure the foundation remains in place.

This can sometimes require upkeep as stones may move or need to be replaced to maintain the required thickness. 

You will also need to have proper drainage installed to ensure the durability of your hot tub. Some people even install low-level showers around the tub to ensure that no dirt enters the tub with them.  

Crushed gravel or stones is a more permanent option, and generally, you would not move your hot tub from this area once setup. Some people are wary about using crushed stones as a basis for their hot tubs in case of any punctures.

The stones should be finely ground to avoid this, or similar to when used on grass, a cloth or air mat can be used for further peace of mind. 

Crushed gravel and stones are also widely available to purchase and can be an affordable option. 

Final word

There are a few things you can put under your inflatable hot tub to ensure it has a level and even surfaces to sit on. Be sure that the area can always support the hot tub’s weight and ample space to support the whole hot tub. 

For those after a portable solution, the synthetic tub pads are an excellent option to consider. Grass, concrete, and crushed gravel are also great options depending on your existing garden.

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