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Can You Put Epsom Salts In a Hot Tub?




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There are many health benefits of Epsom salt and there are also great benefits to soaking in a hot tub.

When you think about it, a hot tub is essentially a big bathtub and Epsom salt go in the bath so it’s natural to consider…can you put Epsom salt in a hot tub?

As with most questions like this, the answer can vary and is mostly “it depends”.

The answer isn’t an outright “no”, but there are a few things to consider before throwing a bag of Epsom salt into your bubbles. 

Let’s get into it…

Chlorinated Water

Epsom salt is the name given to magnesium sulfate and is great for relieving sore muscles and is easily absorbed into the skin.

Epsom salt is safe but much like any other substance, it has the potential to react badly with other chemicals.

Whenever you add Epsom salt to something, always remember that it is magnesium sulfate and is an alkaline chemical compound.

If you use chlorine in your hot tub then absolutely do not add Epsom salt. The reaction between magnesium and chlorine can cause flash burns on your skin.

If you choose to use Epsom salt in your hot tub, make sure you drain the water and rinse down the tub and tub equipment thoroughly before refilling it with plain water.

Plain Water

A plain water hot tub is much like a big, bubbly bath. Adding Epsom salt to plain water is the same as adding it to your normal bathwater. 

That said, don’t be tempted to add more than you usually would. Salt is a very corrosive substance and can potentially damage your hot tub.

Epsom salt doesn’t usually leave a residue and absorbs well into the skin, but it’s better to be safe. 

If you’re planning on adding chlorine to your hot tub after you have used Epsom salt, make sure to clean it afterward as well.

Even if you think the Epsom salt has all been absorbed, it’s better to be safe. So drain the hot tub and rinse it again before adding the chlorinated water. 

This might sound like an arduous process, but it’s important and will be worth it to make sure you don’t receive any painful burns.

Benefits of Epsom Salts

Epsom salts have been around for a long time but seem to have recently gained a lot of popularity. Usually available in giant bags, they are used as bath salts, and many claim that they can detoxify the body and promote healing.

It is important to remember that there is not a whole lot of scientific basis for the claims around Epsom salt, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work.

Scientific studies can prove if something does or does not work, but the lack of scientific studies does not mean that they do not work. 

Remember that treatments such as these only offer temporary relief and you should consult a doctor if you have any persistent problems.

Soothing Pain and Swelling 

One of the main claims for Epsom salt is that it soothes sore muscles.

They are often used in isolation tanks and many believe that the salt can reduce swelling.

This is especially for people living with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, lupus, and gout. 

Reducing Stress

When people use bath salts, their main aim is to reduce stress.

They are the perfect thing to add to your bath water after a long and difficult day.

The magnesium in Epsom salts can promote melatonin which is a hormone that encourages sleep.

Magnesium is an important chemical and can affect the neurotransmitters that control sleep and stress.

A healthy amount of magnesium can boost these neurotransmitters which can help to induce sleep and reduce stress.

A warm bath can help reduce stress and induce sleep anyway, so the addition of Epsom salts provides some extra help.

Soothing Skincare

Many also claim that Epsom salt can help dry and rough skin.

Salt is a great exfoliator so adding some Epsom salts to your bath can be a gentle way of exfoliating dead skin cells, without having to scrub your skin with something more aggressive.

Epsom salt can help soothe skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, but as with the other conditions mentioned above, it’s important to check with your doctor beforehand.

There is no guarantee that Epsom salt will help serious skin conditions and they may even make them worse or more irritated, especially if you use too much.

Benefits of Hot Tubs

Now you know the benefits of Epsom salt, what about the benefits of hot tubs?

It’s understandable if you were unsure of what Epsom salt does as they have only recently become a standard feature of grocery store shelves.

Hot tubs have been around for quite a while, but are you sure exactly what they can do, other than just feel nice?

Here are a few benefits of using a hot tub:

Soothing Muscles

You probably already know this, but warm and hot water are great for soothing aching muscles.

That’s why Epsom salts in a bath (or a hot tub) are such a good idea.

Improving Range of Motion

As hot tubs soothe muscles, they can help with your range of motion. As we age, we naturally become stiffer and struggle with movement.

Regularly soaking in hot or warm water can help restore flexibility.

Reducing Stress

You might be noticing a pattern here. The benefits of hot tubs, other than the exfoliation, are almost identical to Epsom salts.

Epsom salts are regularly used in relaxing baths so it makes sense that they can be used in hot tubs to have an enhanced effect. 

Soaking in hot, bubbly water can soothe your mind as well as your body. A hot tub is a great way to relax and empty your mind of all the stresses of the day.

Final Answer

So, overall, the answer is yes, you can add Epsom salts to a hot tub but be careful.

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